Let’s bring Constitutional School Choice to Oregon Families!



  1. Use these 10 liner forms above to gather petition signatures from your family, friends, neighbors, and others.
  2. Print out each 10 liner signature sheet on white 20# paper (like Costco/Staples printer paper). Each file has 2 pages – print double sided.
  3. Print out and review each amendment. You will always need to have the amendments available for any voter signing a “10 Liner Signature Sheet” to read.
  4. Gather signatures from active registered Oregon voters. You will need to see the voter sign the petition page. Review this process here.
  5. Read our helpful tips on signature gathering here.
  6. Sign your name as Circulator at the bottom of each 10-Liner sheet. Print your name, address, and the date.  
  7. Note: Your signature as the circulator does NOT also count as a petition signer. To have your signature count as a petition signer, please sign on any of the 1-10 lines on the petition page. Then sign again as the circulator at the bottom of the page.
  8. Do not write in the “sheet number” box in the lower right side of the page.
  9. Return the originals of each signed 10-Liner sheet as you gather them to: Donna Kreitzberg, PO Box 3242, Tualatin, OR 97062-3242. Send only the signature sheets. You may keep the copies of the amendments for your use in gathering more signatures.
  10. Please mail in the originals of the signed petitions before June 30, 2024.
**WARNING: Digital signatures are PROHIBITED. Please PRINT and sign in INK (no pencil).
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