School Choice

School Choice gives families the opportunity to direct a portion of their child’s education dollars to the education option that best fits their needs. This includes private school tuition, homeschool curriculum, educational therapy, tutors, computers, transportation, vocational schools, and other approved educational costs!

  • The School Choice Amendment gives parents the constitutionally protected right to choose the school that their child attends, as provided below.

  • As a method of voluntary school choice, parents may choose to have their child educated outside public school, such as nonpublic online programs, private school, or homeschooling, and receive a share of Oregon’s education dollars.

  • Parents may direct the money in the School Choice Account be spent on the education of their child, including private school tuition, homeschool curricula, nonpublic online programs, vocational training, educational therapies, tutors, exam and testing fees, summer or specialized, after-school education programs, etc.

  • School Choice Funds, once deposited into the parent’s School Choice Account, are no longer public funds.

  • Any School Choice Funds left over yearly will roll over, and after the child completes high school, any remaining funds may be used to pay for college, university, vocational or trade school in Oregon.

  • The parent’s notice and receipt of School Choice Funds shall satisfy Oregon’s compulsory school attendance requirements.

  • Neither the parent nor the education providers who receive or use School Choice Funds will be required by the state to change their creed, education practices, teaching credentials or qualifications, admission policy or curricula.

  • The actions of the parent and education providers will not be deemed to be the actions of the state.

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